Experience peace of mind with Noah's Water Quality Maintenance System. Each unit is delivered fully assembled and pre-programmed, ready to enhance the quality of your water throughout your home. Noah ensures that safe, clean water is accessible and affordable for every household, regardless of size, layout, age, or location.
Your health and well-being shouldn't come at a premium, and Noah is here to make sure it doesn't. For just $395.00, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with safe, clean drinking water in your home.
It’s simple - Noah’s water quality maintenance system works.
If you want proof, read the case studies below to understand exactly how Noah can make your drinking water safer.
4.72 x 4.72 x 2.36 in.
119.89 x 119.89 x 59.94 mm.
12 oz
Less than 30 minutes
1 year
Orr High School had a big problem - lead levels in many of the school’s drinking water outlets exceeded the EPA allowable limit, including one that was 200 times the maximum!
One-third of the drinking water outlets tested exceeded the EPA limit of 15 parts per billion (PPB), with the highest at almost 3000 PPB.
Chicago Public Schools’ policy dictates that when levels in any individual drinking water outlet exceed 15 PPB, students’ parents and legal guardians must be contacted and made aware of the issue. This raises major health and safety concerns for students and their families, and future liability concerns for the school and administrators.
Orr High School’s staff struggled for nearly a year before finding a viable means of controlling the issue.
In September 2017, eighteen Noah Water Quality Maintenance units were installed across the school’s 36 drinking water outlets after classes had ended for the day. Units flushed each drinking water outlet for one minute every two hours.
Literally overnight, the device took lead from unlawful to undetectable levels... and a legend was born.
Based on research, it is likely there are unsafe levels of toxins in your water. So what can you do about it? Get in touch with us for a free and easy consultation. Based on your specific needs, our experts can determine the best approach to purify your water system.
Now more than ever, cities and towns are recognizing the importance of a daily flushing protocol to retain the health and safety of their water systems.
"As a teacher, it is my number one priority to ensure my students safety. After NOAH was installed in our school, making sure the kids are drinking clean water was one less thing I had to worry about. A great, innovative product I am thrilled to have!"
September 22, 2019"An incredible invention that should be installed in every home, park, and school. It comes at a low cost, has little-to-no maintenance, and is extremely effective. I cannot imagine not having NOAH in my home ever again."
August 17, 2019"What an amazing product! It was so simple and effortless to install. I feel at ease knowing my family is consistently drinking clean water. Thank you NOAH for keeping my kids safe."
June 20, 2019