US PATENT NO. 26/659,421

Protecting Your Loved Ones:

The Fight Against Lead
in Drinking Water
See How It Works

Overnight Success

Noah delivers effective, cost-efficient flushing systematically without additional labor.

The Noah Water Quality Maintenance System removes lead from your drinking water overnight. The patented, automated system prevents lead from infiltrating your drinking water.

Once installed, it begins to work immediately and requires no additional routine labor or costly replacement filters.

Though each Noah installation has been unique, they all have one thing in common - a 100% success rate. Every Noah installation has effectively eliminated lead from drinking water within 24 hours.

The Silent Threat of Lead

Lead exposure is a severe health hazard, with no safe level for humans. Flint, MI, gained notoriety in 2014 due to dangerously high lead levels in its public drinking water. This heavy metal neurotoxin is particularly harmful to children, with a study indicating that 80% of the 14,000 exposed children in Flint would require special education services for a language, learning, or intellectual disorder.

Widespread Lead Contamination

Believing you're safe? Think again. Nearly all US drinking water contains lead and other toxins, even in new construction. A 2016 CNN report revealed that over 5,000 US water systems serving approximately 18 million people violated EPA rules for lead in drinking water. The presence of lead in your office, your kids’ school, and your home is a pressing issue.

The Unseen Culprit

Lead isn't present when water leaves treatment facilities. The culprit is the aging infrastructure, with drinking water delivered through a million miles of pipes across the US, many of which contain lead. The replacement pace is slow, with only 0.5% of outdated pipes replaced annually.

The Leaching Effect

Lead leaches into water when it stands in pipes. Any standing liquid in a solid vessel will leach, posing a life-threatening problem as the longer water stands, the more it's exposed to lead.

The Challenge of Lead Removal

Once in drinking water, lead is notoriously difficult to remove. Existing solutions like filters, pitchers, and fixture attachments often fail to purify water. While reverse osmosis systems are effective, they come at a steep price.

A Paradigm Shift

A viable solution is orthophosphate, widely used by public water municipalities to combat lead leaching. It forms a protective barrier when added to water at treatment facilities. Yet, there's a catch: orthophosphate is ineffective when water stands in pipes.

The Noah Difference

The Noah Water Quality Maintenance System takes a revolutionary approach. Our patented, automated system prevents lead from infiltrating your drinking water. No need for costly filters or labor-intensive flushing. Every Noah installation shares one thing in common—a 100% success rate in eliminating lead within 24 hours.

The Silent Threat of Lead

Lead exposure is a severe health hazard, with no safe level for humans. Flint, MI, gained notoriety in 2014 due to dangerously high lead levels in its public drinking water. This heavy metal neurotoxin is particularly harmful to children, with a study indicating that 80% of the 14,000 exposed children in Flint would require special education services for a language, learning, or intellectual disorder.

Widespread Lead Contamination

Believing you're safe? Think again. Nearly all US drinking water contains lead and other toxins, even in new construction. A 2016 CNN report revealed that over 5,000 US water systems serving approximately 18 million people violated EPA rules for lead in drinking water. The presence of lead in your office, your kids’ school, and your home is a pressing issue.

The Unseen Culprit

Lead isn't present when water leaves treatment facilities. The culprit is the aging infrastructure, with drinking water delivered through a million miles of pipes across the US, many of which contain lead. The replacement pace is slow, with only 0.5% of outdated pipes replaced annually.

The Leaching Effect

Lead leaches into water when it stands in pipes. Any standing liquid in a solid vessel will leach, posing a life-threatening problem as the longer water stands, the more it's exposed to lead.

The Challenge of Lead Removal

Once in drinking water, lead is notoriously difficult to remove. Existing solutions like filters, pitchers, and fixture attachments often fail to purify water. While reverse osmosis systems are effective, they come at a steep price.

A Paradigm Shift

A viable solution is orthophosphate, widely used by public water municipalities to combat lead leaching. It forms a protective barrier when added to water at treatment facilities. Yet, there's a catch: orthophosphate is ineffective when water stands in pipes.

The Noah Difference

The Noah Water Quality Maintenance System takes a revolutionary approach. Our patented, automated system prevents lead from infiltrating your drinking water. No need for costly filters or labor-intensive flushing. Every Noah installation shares one thing in common—a 100% success rate in eliminating lead within 24 hours.
